Phono-Graphix & Fluency Training:
For students who struggle with learning how to read, Phono-Graphix is our “go-to” method and the Neuronet program bridges the gap for fluency. Most of the students we meet struggle to decode consistently, are confused about the sound-to-symbol relationships of the English written code, struggle with the automaticity of writing letters in print or cursive without having to think about how they are formed, and do not know how to analyze a word. Without this knowledge, learning how to read is painfully uncomfortable for learners. Effective instruction for students who struggle to learn how to read should focus on:
- Building phonemic awareness
- Teaching associations between phonemes and graphemes
- Teaching rules that govern orthography, including syllable types
- Building knowledge of morphology, including affixes and roots
- Building knowledge of syntax, including parts of speech and conventions of grammar
- Supporting vocabulary development and reading comprehension
Reading Comprehension Training:
Skilled readers are never passive. They read for specific purposes and consistently interact with the text. They are highly active as they read; creating visual images, wondering, and evaluating as they read. Less skilled readers, however, simply move their eyes over the text without processing what they are reading. Our outcome-based training offers a passive reader the chance to tremendously improve this skill.

Tutoring & Homework Support:
Getting help is normal when learning to be prepared for the classroom experience. We guarantee one-to-one tutorial services for students who need support in managing homework, studying for an upcoming test, practicing multiplication skills, preparing for a book report or presentation, catching up on assignments, navigating FLVS (Florida Virtual School or other online learning platforms), pre-reading for a literature study or learning spelling and/or vocabulary words. Some students are scheduled weekly or biweekly and others come as needed.
We Love Math & So Will You:
Imagine being able to know your math facts automatically or complete a three-step algebra problem in your head! We support all levels of math and math topics as well as FLVS math courses. In addition, we can prepare your teen for their SAT/ACT math. Our students get A’s in math because they learn the tricks, secrets, and problem solving shortcuts.
Comprehensive Psychological Evaluations:
If you have concerns regarding your child’s learning and school interventions haven’t closed the gap, we can help identify why this occurring. A comprehensive psychological evaluation may be warranted to help inform intervention. Dr. Shawn Mandel is a Licensed School Psychologist with over ten years of experience working professionally in Florida. Dr. Noelle Delacruz joined the staff in 2019 and is also a Licensed School Psychologist. Michele Messina (Licensed School Psychologist) joined the center in 2020. We aim to help students feel comfortable about the testing process and break up the sessions if necessary.
Handwriting Matters:
If your child has to stop and think about how the print or cursive alphabet looks each time when writing a word or sentence, then handwriting is not automatic and interferes with fluency/thinking. It slows kids down in the classroom when they cannot write legibly and automatically. If you child starts his/her letters from the bottom up, confuses letters when he/she writes or writes too slowly or quickly that handwriting is illegible, then it is time to bolster handwriting skills with consistent training and practice.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Coaching:
When a student feels anxious and it gets in the way of learning, getting the right intervention(s) fast makes the difference in attitude, confidence, and outcomes. Taking perspectives, weighing choices, taking a deep breath are just some of the skills that can be taught and practiced. If we can help teach a student how to solve the problems they encounter and reduce their anxieties, then their learning outcomes increase and they feel more confident. Combining mental health services with academic services creates a more stable student.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) coaching focuses on imparting your child with the skills and insights needed to identify and question unhelpful thoughts and feelings, and replace them with more helpful ones. CBT coaching can help an individual recognize inflexible thinking patterns in order to develop more flexible ways of approaching challenging situations. Individuals will be able to develop creative problem solving skills and perceive and understand social cues along with the perspectives of others. The plan we develop together will focus on building upon your child’s unique visions of success in order to make meaningful progress in the areas of life that are most problematic for them. We often use the Coping Cat Program when working with children/teens with anxiety. This program is an empirically-supported CBT treatment tool that reduces anxiety in youth.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Coaching:
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized by behaviors and thought patterns that can be counter intuitive to leading a productive life and sustaining positive relationships. Children and their families often feel frustrated, angry, and anxious due to the difficulty children have with organizing their time and materials, transitioning out of strong emotional states, and attaining life’s goals. During these sessions, we will work together to identify behaviors, thoughts, and feelings that are not working for them or their families. Together we will identify how they would like their lives to improve, and set goals that reflect their desired outcomes. Together, we will design effective strategies that break these goals down into manageable steps so that your child can feel empowered, confident, and capable.
ADHD Coaching is a practical and structured process that strengthens executive functioning skills by improving many life skills including:
- Strategic planning & perspective
- Making conscious & wise choices
- Time, task, & space management
- Motivation & follow-through
- Developing systems for success
- Healthy communications & relationships
- A deeper understanding and love of self
- Steps toward a simplified and more orderly life
- Achieving a balanced, healthy lifestyle
SAT/ACT One-On-One Training:
Did you know that you do not need to get all the questions right on the SAT? What you need to do is to determine the schools that you are interested in attending. Access their incoming freshman data on the critical reading, math, and writing sections of the SAT. Then, understand how many answers you need correctly answer to receive the desired combined score. Learn how to convert your raw score to a scaled score to determine how many you really need to get right. If you do not know where you want to go, then we can start the college choice coaching process and learn about the many choices that fit your interest when choosing higher education.
Tel: (941) 993-6743
Email: [email protected]
Owner/Director: Dr. Shawn J. Mandel
The Thinking Center of Sarasota
All rights reserved © The Thinking Center of Sarasota